Timeless beauty of outdoor globe lights
Globe lights combine timeless aesthetic appearance and great practicality. There are many possibilities and varied uses of spherical outdoor light fixtures. In practice, globe lights are anchored to the ground with stakes. They come in several sizes and surface designs, as well as many pleasant colours of light.
Integrating globe lights outside in the garden
This purified sphere shape is a timeless, classic design for both outdoors and indoors. Globe lights must obviously resist moisture, frost, and weather in general. This is indicated by their IP rating. Example: an IP44 globe light is protected against the ingress of foreign bodies with a minimum diameter of 1mm, as well as against water splashes. And they match perfectly with white outdoor lights, if you want to keep a colour theme.
A good deal even in terms of energy efficiency
LED equipped globe lights currently are the benchmark in the field. Even though they use very little electricity, it doesn't stop them from clearly illuminating the garden and paths. Your electricity bill will also shrink, especially in the long term. Outside, colourful lighting is especially prized. With outdoor globe lights in white, orange, blue, green, or red, you can brighten up your property with pleasant lighting effects, depending on the atmosphere. Additionally, there are solar globe lights that work for free, thanks to the stored energy that is collected from sunlight.
Buy outdoor decorative globe lights
Garden globe lights and solar globe lights can be used for emergency lighting, most of them however, are sold as decorative garden lighting. Thus, there are globe lights for the shade or ground, as wells as single bulb and multi-bulb models, imitation stone, etc., something like an imitation stone light offers an almost entirely natural presence during the day. These round light sources are also very popular for lighting ponds. There are even globe lights that can float freely on the surface of the water, regardless of the season.
Quickly find outdoor solar lights or other outdoor wall lights. With a few clicks, you can sort through our globe lights and other round lights in a very targeted manner according to your needs, just filter our selection by price, popularity, colour, or any other defining characteristic. Our shipping service guarantees the timely delivery of your light and lamp fixtures. This offer applies to all our interior fixtures as well, such as lights for bedrooms, living rooms, and dining rooms.