Lighting for Stairs: Safety at Every Step
Inadequately lit stairs pose a high risk of accidents. We tell you how to create functional and beautiful staircase lighting.

Tips for the Right Garden Lighting
Find the right outdoor lighting for your garden and create a cosy lighting atmosphere with path lights, solar ball lights and more.

We Put Ceiling Fans to the Test: The 10 Best Ceiling Fans
In the ceiling fan test we show you the top 10 ceiling fans. Find your favourite!

Bathroom Zones: Installing Luminaires Safely
Rooms with showers place greater demands on safety: we reveal what needs to be considered when installing bathroom lighting.
Wiki (Glossary)

Night Vision and Day Vision - the Differences
The human eye works differently during the day than at night. Find out how day and night vision differ and what dark adaptation is.

Spectral Colours: The Visible Colour Impression
What are spectral colours? How are spectral colours created? How does the decomposition of light work?

Dimmer: Flexible Adjustment of the Brightness of Lamps
Economical and variable: lights with dimmers! Find out how to adjust the brightness of lamps here!

Luminous Efficacy: The Ratio Between Lumens and Watts
Different types of bulbs produce very different brightness despite having the same wattage: How high is the luminous efficacy of common light sources?

Lighting Designs From the Past to the Present: a Brief History of Style
The main trends in light design at a glance: Get to know & understand the most important terms from the history of lamp design.

Mediterranean furniture and lighting - living with holiday flair
Natural materials, friendly colours and a relaxed atmosphere like on the Mediterranean: with Mediterranean furnishing style and the right lighting, you can bring that holiday flair into your home.

Tripod Floor Lamps: Modern Furnishings with Three-legged Floor Lamps
Which tripod floor lamp suits your style of living? Find out!

Rope lamps and light fittings: Maritime Furnishings
For a maritime or modern interior: discover the rope lamps home decor trend!

Scissor lamps and wall lights with swivel arms
Scissor lamps, also called concertina lamps or accordian lamps, are wall lights with an extendable swivel arm. We show you the trendy wall lights!

Tips for Your Living Room in Beach House Style
Our lights for your living room in a beach house style bring a bit of that holiday feeling into your home.
Tips & Advice

Creating Pond Lighting: How to Get Started
Here you can find out how to make your garden shine with beautiful pond lighting and what you should consider when buying!

Safe and Efficient Lighting - You Should Avoid These Five Mistakes
Learn how to light your home safely & efficiently by avoiding these five common mistakes.

Outdoor lighting: function, design and implementation
Outdoor lighting increases safety and sets the scene for your home and garden. What needs to be considered when choosing outdoor lighting?

We Put Ceiling Fans to the Test: The 10 Best Ceiling Fans
In the ceiling fan test we show you the top 10 ceiling fans. Find your favourite!

Does a Lamp Consume Electricity when it is off?
Are switched-off lamps secret power guzzlers in your home? We'll tell you!